The Books
Book 1
The Successful Sales Professional
Selling is at the heart of any business or organisation. The principles apply equally to charity fundraising, internal corporate planning, selling cars and many other activities where you need to persuade others to take actions to fulfil your objectives.
SALES IMPACT is based on a successful sales training programme that provides structured self-study and a wealth of directly applicable tips and techniques to everyone who needs an understanding of the sales process and how to apply it.

What Makes a Successful Sales Professional?
A high proportion of salespeople do not achieve their personal goals, or the objectives set for them by their employers. This is also true for people who work for themselves. Their whole quality of life is diminished because they do not have the knowledge of what it takes to become a successful sales professional.
Identifying the core attributes required to become successful in sales is an essential step if you desire to build a lucrative career in sales.
As you work though this book, you should aim to associate yourself with the relevant skills and attributes highlighted and identify areas where you can strengthen your capabilities to match your ambitions.
Professional Style & Ability
Many sales professionals choose selling as a career because it gives them the opportunity to work in an environment where they can be their own boss. A successful sales professional is highly motivated by being measured by what they achieve rather than how busy they are.
It is also true that the successful sales professional is more likely to be one of the few individuals within an organisation who has the financial benefits, freedom and discretion that are directly gained from success. Success provides freedom and choice. We also know that success reinforces success, and this is a great way of ensuring that people feel good about themselves. The feel-good factor then boosts confidence, and this all combines to create an aura of success resulting from the good job they do.

How To Negotiate When Selling
Book 2
When sales are rarely concerned with a single item with a single price and delivery, negotiation is an essential part of the selling process. The perfect deal leaves all parties involved feeling that they have reached a mutually agreeable conclusion, but there are many traps awaiting the unwary negotiator.
Through bitesize chapters containing a wealth of directly applicable tips, How to Negotiate When Selling acts as your guide through the minefield of negotiation. Learn how to negotiate excellent deals that contain the essential ingredient of mutual satisfaction and bring your prospects one step closer to becoming Everlasting Clients.


